Vision, Mission & Vision

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Our Vision

‘To become known as a values-based and leading, quality provider of care and person-centred support services to individuals in their homes and in the local community.’


How will SIRM CARES achieve this Vision?

SIRM CARES will achieve this Vision through the implementation of its Mission& Values by.


‘Recruiting, training and developing ALL it’s people and by taking a values-based approach to ALL it does (our Mission) using our Values such as.

Expert Nursing Staff
Safe Solution For Health
why choose SIRM CARES

Person-centred Care

Provide a person-centred approach by delivering compassionate and empathic care that focuses on a holistic modality. By formulating an individualised care plan which encourages participation and decision-making from the client, their families and friends, we aim to be responsive and respectful, whilst empowering them.


We are always committed to act with the utmost integrity. We promote and encourage a culture that allows all staff to raise concerns openly and honestly, in the best interests of client safety and safeguarding against any risks posed by others. We have zero tolerance for all forms of abuse.

Privacy & Dignity.

We believe that respecting a person’s privacy and dignity is central to their human rights. We aim to promote equality, preserve individual worth and self-respect, and support individuals’ independence.


SIRM Cares is a dynamic and flexible domiciliary care provider, adopting possibilities on the horizon, and always seeking out new and more effective methods of care delivery.


We believe collaboration and strong partnerships produce the best results. Vibrant communication ensures we are continually evolving to deliver high-quality service. We listen and adapt, working in true harmony with them.

These Values are at the heart of who we are, what we do and how we think. These Values will help drive the way we operate.